Sandbags can be used for great Power and Strength moves


A few years back I was kinda skeptical of sandbag use in training.  For sure, I thought it would probably be good for some types of "strongman" training, but didn't know where it would fit into the full spectrum of training.

Fast forward to today and I am a true advocate of sandbag training.  Not just a giant bag full of heavy sand, but LEGIT bags that feature cool straps as handles for pulling, pushing, flipping and holding the bag in a zillion different ways.

I found great application in not just pushing and pulling the bag, but the bag creates a great way to perform some of my favorite weight bearing exercises such as:
  • Olympic Style movements (cleans, snatches, etc)
  • Squats, Lunges and Box Step Ups
  • Overhead Presses
  • Bent Rowing Movements
And you can do variations of some movements that would make it almost impossible to perform with a bar or dumbbell---such as a "rotational power clean" (see the video above!).

Plus they have a fantastic affordability that fits into most budgets (but in 99% of cases you must provide your own sand, which can be a few bucks at your local big box hard wear store).

Check out the video above and the link below to Rogue Fitness and SKLZ where you can find sandbags for your training needs.  Look for future articles on Sandbag Training from Pro Power Training!